I have been hit recently with the reaction of my former spouse when she saw me having dinner with my kids and a lady friend and her daughter. I do not think that any amount of prep would have prepared her for the amount of emotion that she would experience in the days to come. Did she think that I would stay home and not have friends that have kids as well? Did she think that I was not going to move on with my life? I have seen the bitterness and hatred come from a person that is not hard wired for that kind of emotion and it saddens me. My former spouse is a good lady. Why she is reacting with such harshness is not like her and it saddens me. Not because my feelings are hurt. But rather because she is hurting our children by her example.
I know that divorce is not easy and I know that there are people that have it worse than me. However I feel that my children do not need to be the victims of someone else's choices. I pray for them often. And if you are going through the same thing, then I pray for you as well.
"The plans that I have for you are to prosper you. Not to harm you" God
I stand on His promises