It started on Thanksgiving and never stopped! In fact, Newtons law was in full effect and my body stayed at rest. Let me back up even further! I met an amazing lady about 2 years ago and started hanging out with her on June 16th and never stopped. When I met her I was 200lbs. Give or take a few bags of Chips and Salsa (Which BTW is the greatest food ever created! I just can't stop once I start.)
She asked me out to a cooking party that was at a friends house. She told me that it would be fun and she would like it if I could accompany her. What's a single guy to do when you get asked out by a hot single successful Christian business woman? You accept the invite and hope that it goes well. It went well! As a father of three incredible kids, I need to be careful of who I date, who I am seen with and I have to be on good behavior all the time. The Apostle Paul wrote: "Watch your life and doctrine closely. That way you can save yourself and the three amazing kids that God entrusted you with." SPRSV (Single Parent Revised Standard Version) We went out a second time and a third time and we have never stopped going out! There is a by-product to the great times and that is my size! I have gained 24 lbs. since I started going out with her. Here is a picture of me when we first started dating. I don't look too bad but still at this weight I am about 10lbs over weight according to the BMI that Kaiser has.

BTW The amazing lady that I am dating makes me so happy and loves me for who I am. I am truly blessed to be in her company. She likes me for the way that God made me. With all of my defects and insecurities. God! Thank you so much for bringing her into my life but forgive me for being so happy that I now look like this. I

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